Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Processador Frontal de Rede MAP para a Automação Industrial

Processador Frontal de Rede MAP para a Automação Industrial: The interconnection of industrial computers in networks such MAP (Manufacturing Automation Protocols)  has brought the need to analyze the structure of the network interface so as to guarantee the optimum use of the resources involved. This paper describes the implementation of a front-end communications processor that serves as an intelligent interface to the industrial network MAP. The description covers the hardware and software implementation, and includes a critical analysis of the final configuration.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Arquitetura de um Suporte de Comunicação baseado na Rede Local Ethernet e no Unix

Arquitetura de um Suporte de Comunicação baseado na Rede Local Ethernet e no Unix: Este artigo apresenta a concepção de um suporte de comunicação baseado na rede Ethernet e no Unix (V7). O sistema desenvolvido permite a concepção de servidores e inclui um mecanismo de virtualização de recursos de hardware. Uma arquitetura performante para o hardware é proposta. O software descrito é estruturado até o nível de transporte. Assim sendo, nós consideramos a implementação de um 'handler' Ethernet, do protocolo, dos mecanismos de sincronização e temporização e, finalmente, as estruturas de dados utilizadas são analisadas. Por último, o nível de transporte é introduzido através de uma apresentação resumida do mecanismo de 'guichets' utilizado e da modelização das aplicações distribuídas.

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Um Plano Pedagógico de Referência para Cursos de Engenharia de Computação

Um Plano Pedagógico de Referência para Cursos de Engenharia de Computação: O objetivo deste documento é a apresentação de um Plano Pedagógico para o Curso de Engenharia de Computação, que possa servir como mais uma referência para a elaboração de planos pedagógicos para tal curso. A responsabilidade da proposta restringe-se exclusivamente a seus autores. Esta é uma segunda versão deste documento, que incorpora sugestões dos participantes do III Curso “Qualidade de Cursos de Graduação da Área de Computação e Informática – Planos Pedagógicos”, e também outras sugestões e reflexões dos autores. As alterações mais significativas desta versão foram realizadas na estrutura curricular e na ementa de algumas disciplinas. Não se pretende, nem seria recomendável, apresentar um modelo rígido que viesse a ser tomado como padrão para efeitos de elaboração e avaliação de planos pedagógicos. Pelo contrário, os autores apresentam um plano dentro de um contexto, assumido como existente e não especificado no documento, de perfil de aluno, disponibilidade de corpo docente, características de mercado de trabalho, características regionais, características institucionais, etc., que evidentemente devem ser consideradas quando da implementação de um curso e que podem promover alterações significativas sobre as propostas deste modelo de referência. A característica que identifica o modelo é o esfor�%...

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Supporting Production Management for Manufacturing

Supporting Production Management for Manufacturing: Production and operations management (POM) is an important activity in all organizations which can make use now of protocols and networking technologies for providing more efficient tools. In this paper, we     describe the implementation of a set of primitives     suitable for supporting production management (PM) applications. The PM service is based on the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) protocol of the  Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP) architecture. The MMS is modeled according with its companion standard and the solution is oriented for manufacturing.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Methodological Approach for Multi-Service DSTE Network Performance Evaluation under Bandwidth Allocation Methods and Path Selection Constraints

A Methodological Approach for Multi-Service DSTE Network Performance Evaluation under Bandwidth Allocation Methods and Path Selection Constraints: Path selection and bandwidth management have a number of different routing protocols (CSPF, OSPF, other), bandwidth allocation models (BAMs) and overall implementation approaches like RDM (Russian Doll Model) , Adapt-RDM, GRDM (Generalized Russian Dolls Model) and AllocTC-sharing that can be used in the context of a multiservice DS-TE (DiffServ Aware - MPLS Traffic Engineering) network.  This paper initially identifies the path selection and bandwidth allocation model (BAM) solutions currently used. Subsequently, it proposes a generic performance evaluation methodology in order to deal with the modeling and implementation scenarios resulting from different routing protocols and BAM options available. The focus adopted is, fundamentally, to provide managers with a methodological approach consisting of a set of steps that can be used to deal with the issues such as network configuration and performance evaluation in the context of multi-service DS-TE networks under BAM constraints. It is expected that the proposed methodological approach could reduce the inherent difficulties found by managers in dealing with BAM model application in multi-service DS-TE networks.

Saturday, November 09, 2019

SFI2 - Slicing Future Internet Infrastructures project

SFI2 - Slicing Future Internet Infrastructures project: Network slicing is a new research topic that allows the virtualization of multiple logical and physical networks to provide Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) for distinct use cases. Network slicing potentially allows customized deployment of service and tenant requirements such as complex multi-network configuration. In achieving that purpose, enablers like software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) are essential. Given this scenario, the SFI2 project has the goal of providing a single multidomain and slice-based provisioning solution among testbed infrastructures.

Saturday, November 02, 2019

Uma Estratégia Cognitiva de Recuperação de Redes Elétricas no Contexto do Smart Grid

Uma Estratégia Cognitiva de Recuperação de Redes Elétricas no Contexto do Smart Grid: Electrical Power Supply Distribution Networks have become very attractive due to automation process and electronic devices incorporation, which allows distance maneuvers. The reconguration process consists of changing distribution network topology by closing or opening interconnection keys. Also, such process focuses on supporting decision making, planning and/or real-time control of electric network operation aiming to minimizing active power losses, load balancing, fault isolation, voltage level improvements and maintaining continuity of user services. The task of managing and taking decisions to change the electrical network topology is a complex task due to the diversity of conguration possibilities. In this context, Autonomic Management Systems (AMS) are being investigated as a feasible solution to the grid reconguration problem. Thus, we expect that management human intervention can be replaced by autonomic solutions, preferably, dynamically generated. This thesis proposes the use of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) coupled with HATSGA algorithm for the fast reconguration of large distribution power networks. The suitability and the scalability of the CBR-based reconguration strategy using HATSGA algorithm are evaluated. The evaluation indicates that the adopted HATSGA algorithm computes new reconguration topologies with a feasible computational time for large networks. The CBR strategy looks for managerial acceptable reconguration solutions at the CBR database and, as such, contributes to reduce the computational time of rec...

Especificação de Requisitos e Modelagem Conceitual de um Arcabouço para o Suporte de Soluções Smart Grid

Especificação de Requisitos e Modelagem Conceitual de um Arcabouço para o Suporte de Soluções Smart Grid: Nos últimos 100 anos, não houve mudanças revolucionárias na estrutura da rede de energia elétrica em países sul-americanos [1]. Para lidar com a obsolescência tecnológica, com novas demandas e com a modernização da rede elétrica existente, foram propostas as smart grids [2], as quais permitem uma maior eficiência, confiabilidade e integração na rede elétrica. A eficiência implica em um menor consumo de energia elétrica e um fornecimento de energia de qualidade igual ou superior ao atual, reduzindo custos e o impacto ecológico da geração de energia. A confiabilidade permite a identificação de problemas, como falhas em ativos da rede, fazendo com que a concessionária possa tomar as devidas ações. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na investigação de mecanismos de monitoração/supervisão com características ubíquas e autonômicas para o suporte das soluções com smart grid visando adequar o sistema elétrico a uma nova realidade.

Smart Grids: Características, Requisitos e Perspectivas

Smart Grids: Características, Requisitos e Perspectivas: Smart grid (rede inteligente) é uma infraestrutura de redes e telecomunicações com um conjunto de aplicações e características técnicas tais como interoperabilidade com sistemas legados, comunicação bidirecional, capacidade de recuperação de falhas, dentre outras. Essa arquitetura é fortemente baseada em redes de telecomunicações com vantagens inerentes, tais como uma maior eficiência e confiabilidade para o sistema, permitindo a comunicação entre dispositivos inteligentes na rede. Entre os desafios para o desenvolvimento de uma rede de nova geração para as smarts grid, destacam-se a segurança, monitoramento, a gerência, o controle, a qualidade de serviço e a migração tecnológica. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na investigação de mecanismos de monitoração e supervisão com características ubíquas e autonômicas visando o suporte das soluções de smart grid com requisitos temporais.

An Autonomic and Ubiquitous Framework for Smart Grid Management

An Autonomic and Ubiquitous Framework for Smart Grid Management

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Illustrated Technical Paper - A Electric Network Reconfiguration Strategy with Case-based Reasoning for the Smart Grid

Illustrated Technical Paper - A Electric Network Reconfiguration Strategy with Case-based Reasoning for the Smart Grid: This 'ILLUSTRATED TECHNICAL PAPER' presents the slides describing the contents of the paper 'A Electric Network Reconfiguration Strategy with Case-based Reasoning for the Smart Grid'. The talk was presented at the 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems - BRACIS 2019, 15 - 18 October 2019 at Salvador, Brazil. The 'illustrated technical paper format' is intended to complement, enrich and subsidize the technical paper content and contains slides, complementary text and additional and/or focused bibliographic references.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Mapping from a Human Autonomic System to a Bio-Inspired Autonomic Computing Model

Mapping from a Human Autonomic System to a Bio-Inspired Autonomic Computing Model: Although inspired by the biological aspect, the concept of autonomic computing is emblematic of the diversity of solutions that propose a self-governance of systems from high-level objectives. From the human point of view, the autonomic nervous system has as a central point the direct intervention of a small region of the brain called the hypothalamus. This article seeks to discuss the concept of computational autonomy from an analysis of the human autonomic system, addressing its internal functioning, in order to propose a correlated computational model that can be applied. Finally, the bio-inspired computational model is mapped to an approach for knowledge-based systems aimed at its applicability.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

IEC 61850 - Visão Geral e Aplicabilidade na Perspetiva do Smart Grid

IEC 61850 - Visão Geral e Aplicabilidade na Perspetiva do Smart Grid: This paper proposes to clarify and conceptualize the applicability and advantages of using the IEC 61850 standard in the automation of the distribution of electricity from the Smart Grid and computer science perspectives. It will be presented aspects related to data communication, emphasizing the characteristics and technical requirements for the interoperability and the integration between intelligent electronic devices - IEDs. Considerations on data model, communication model and mapping of the communication service are presented.

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Smart Grid e IEC 61850: Novos Desafios em Redes e Telecomunicações para o Sistema Elétrico

Smart Grid e IEC 61850: Novos Desafios em Redes e Telecomunicações para o Sistema Elétrico: Smart Grid is an innovating solution for the electrical systems that consists of an integrated architecture for all system components, including generation, transmission, distribution, and users. This architecture is strongly based on telecommunications networks with potential and inherent advantages such as greater overall efficiency and system-wide reliability, providing communication among intelligent devices. This short-course explains the main smart grid concepts and challenges and explores the IEC 61850 standard which, in turn, standardizes the communications among devices. The IEC 61850 and other relevant protocols are the basic building blocks of a communication network in a smart grid style. The challenges discussed include a new generation of telecommunications network for the smart grid together with security, management, control, quality of service, and migration issues.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Uma Estratégia de Acesso a Conteúdos Educacionais Embarcados em Transporte Público de Massa com Bus-Learning

Uma Estratégia de Acesso a Conteúdos Educacionais Embarcados em Transporte Público de Massa com Bus-Learning: Distance Learning, Lifelong Learning (LLL), E-Learning, Continuous Education and Mobile Learning (M-Learning) are new educational strategies which, under the learner and teacher perspectives, look for providing both technological and pedagogical approaches towards the realization and improvement of the learning process in actual scenarios in which actors and educational resources are potentially highly distributed in space and time. Some new technological solutions are enablers that support these learning strategies and, potentially, make use of new paradigms like mobility, ubiquity, pervasive computing, high capacity broadband access and low cost wireless technologies, among others. This paper proposes a specific architecture and technology setup for educational content distribution in public transportation buses, briefly referred as “Bus-Learning”. The solution is intended to support a mobile learning approach (M-Learning) and is based on Bluetooth, electronic automated bus billing systems and bus-TV infrastructure which are becoming highly available in public mass transportation systems in cities due to the increasingly pervasive aspect of technology penetration in our societies. The main objective is to support a specific group and type of mobile users in accessing educational content with low cost, enhanced ergonomics and some additional advantages in relation to some \textit{M-Learning} approaches that are typically based on tablets, handheld computers and other sophisticated appliances requiring near-...