Saturday, February 03, 2018

A Publish/Subscribe QoS-aware Framework for Massive IoT Traffic Orchestration

A Publish/Subscribe QoS-aware Framework for Massive IoT Traffic Orchestration: Internet of Things (IoT) application deployment requires the allocation of resources such as virtual machines, storage, and network elements that must be deployed over distinct infrastructures such as cloud computing, Cloud of Things (CoT), datacenters and backbone networks. For massive IoT data acquisition, a gateway-based data aggregation approach is commonly used featuring sensor/ actuator seamless access and providing cache/ buffering and preprocessing functionality. In this perspective, gateways acting as producers need to allocate network resources to send IoT data to consumers. In this paper, it is proposed a Publish/Subscribe (PubSub) quality of service (QoS) aware framework (PSIoT-Orch) that orchestrates IoT traffic and allocates network resources between aggregates and consumers for massive IoT traffic. PSIoT-Orch schedules IoT data flows based on its configured QoS requirements. Additionally,  the framework allocates network resources (LSP/ bandwidth) over a controlled backbone network with limited and constrained resources between IoT data users and consumers. Network resources are allocated using a Bandwidth Allocation Model (BAM) to achieve efficient network resource allocation for scheduled IoT data streams. PSIoT-Orch adopts an ICN (Information-Centric Network) PubSub architecture approach to handle IoT data transfers requests among framework components. The proposed framework aims at gathering the inherent advantages of an ICN-centric approach using a PubSub message scheme while allocating resources efficiently keeping QoS awareness and handling restricted network resources (bandwidth) for massive IoT traffic.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Policy-Based Autonomic Model Suitable for Quality of Service Management.

A Policy-Based Autonomic Model Suitable for Quality of Service Management.: A Policy-Based Autonomic Model Suitable for Quality of Service Management.

AllocTC-sharing: A new bandwidth allocation model for DS-TE networks.

AllocTC-sharing: A new bandwidth allocation model for DS-TE networks.: AllocTC-sharing: A new bandwidth allocation model for DS-TE networks.

AllocTC-sharing: A new bandwidth allocation model for DS-TE networks.

AllocTC-sharing: A new bandwidth allocation model for DS-TE networks.: AllocTC-sharing: A new bandwidth allocation model for DS-TE networks.

An Instrumentation and Measurement Architecture Supporting Multiple Control Monitoring Frameworks.

An Instrumentation and Measurement Architecture Supporting Multiple Control Monitoring Frameworks.: An Instrumentation and Measurement Architecture Supporting Multiple Control Monitoring Frameworks.

TARVOS - an Event-Based Simulator for Performance Analysis, Supporting MPLS, RSVP-TE, and Fast Recovery.

TARVOS - an Event-Based Simulator for Performance Analysis, Supporting MPLS, RSVP-TE, and Fast Recovery.: TARVOS - an Event-Based Simulator for Performance Analysis, Supporting MPLS, RSVP-TE, and Fast Recovery.

Adapt-RDM - A bandwidth management algorithm suitable for DiffServ services aware traffic engineering.

Adapt-RDM - A bandwidth management algorithm suitable for DiffServ services aware traffic engineering.: Adapt-RDM - A bandwidth management algorithm suitable for DiffServ services aware traffic engineering.

AllocTC-sharing: A new bandwidth allocation model for DS-TE networks.

AllocTC-sharing: A new bandwidth allocation model for DS-TE networks.: AllocTC-sharing: A new bandwidth allocation model for DS-TE networks.

AntBeePath: A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Path Determination.

AntBeePath: A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Path Determination.: AntBeePath: A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Path Determination.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Tendências e P&D em Computação Ubíqua

As aplicações multimídia (voz sobre IP - VoIP, educação a distância – EAD, video streaming, vídeo-conferência e video-on-demand - VoD, outras), a comunicação par-a-par (peer-to-peer - P2P), as aplicações e a computação massivamente distribuídos (GRID computing, Content Distribution Networks – CDN, outros) e as aplicações colaborativas, dentre outras, se somam às aplicações e serviços ditos “convencionais” (web/ http, correio eletrônico, outras).

Este conjunto de aplicações é certamente bastante diversificado. O conjunto de aplicações evocado sugere a necessidade da criação de modelos de implantação, comunicação, gerência e operação com graus de complexidade, requisitos funcionais e níveis de qualidade de serviço distintos para a rede, colocando assim um desafio técnico amplo para os pesquisadores e equipes de desenvolvimento de maneira geral:

Como modelar, caracterizar, implantar, gerenciar e operar as novas aplicações compatibilizando os requisitos e necessidades dos usuários e fazendo uso das novas tecnologias de rede numa solução centrada no IP com características de escalabilidade e ubiqüidade.

Este é, na sua essência, o mote e o cenário, na nossa percepção, da área de redes e, mais especificamente, o mote que conduz e orienta o foco proposto para este projeto de pesquisa.